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UGS Program

Are YOU ready to jumpstart your pathway to higher education, including studying abroad in the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, China, Korea, UAE, Canada, or Southeast Asia with a scholarship?

Dreams do not just come true overnight! They take mentorship, training, and acquiring a creative mindset to become a reality. We have developed a stage-based developmental program that will help your child be ready to pursue their education and place them on the path to earning a scholarship at one of the international universities of their dreams. The system is based on accruing points tied to specific preparation steps that collectively set them on the pathway to scholarship success. Points are awarded based on the thoroughness of completing a step, the elements of the steps themselves, the uniqueness of the response, and the student's performance. Your goal as a student participant is to score as many points as possible at each stage to bring you closer to becoming an Admissions & Scholarship Superstar!

Although no one can guarantee your student a scholarship (in fact, this is illegal in many countries, especially the U.S.), completing our stage-based developmental program will significantly enhance your student’s chances for admission and scholarship success!

Introduction to the University Global Scholars Network (UGSN):

University Global Scholars Network

The global admissions and scholarship process is based on a holistic approach to evaluating candidates. It involves many steps and examines various aspects of the applicant, ranging from grades, achievements, social-economic background, academic course rigor, test scores, creative mindset possession, community service engagement, and the development of a Passion with a Purpose Project. 

No single qualification will get a student admitted to a top university. Global universities are seeking candidates with a wide variety of skills and accomplishments. A top GPA is a benefit but not a deal breaker. Being a poor test-taker will not eliminate your chances of acceptance at many leading universities. Not achieving 500 hours of community service will not exclude you from reaching top applicant status. Being an introvert will not limit your chances of reaching for the stars. Lacking access to rigorous courses will not stop you from entering many dream schools. 

What will stop you from reaching that scholarship or gaining admission to one of your dream schools is a lack of a creative mindset and an inability to effectively create and communicate your Unique YOU Brand to admissions and scholarship readers. The University Global Scholars Program will help students grow as thinkers and learn how to package themselves as unique assets for their dream schools. Preparation in the scholarship pathway over multiple years will significantly aid the student’s admission and success.


The University Global Scholars Network LMS Program offers development and guidance in the following specific areas:

  • The key benefits to studying at a top U.S. University or Liberal Arts College, as well as UK, EU, and Asian Universities, and what makes the Global Admissions & Scholarship pathway unique.

  • How to determine a student’s best-fit Dream School and effectively match their strengths (GPA, Awards, Volunteer Work, Diversity, Test Scores, and financial situation) with specific universities.

  • How to utilize Common Data Sets to set appropriate match schools and how to use them to shape your application.

  • How the GPA is re-calculated, evaluated, and weighted in the admissions process.

  • The process of determining what, if any, tests a student needs to take, what their target scores should be for admission and scholarships, which tests maximize their abilities, or whether they should apply to a test-optional school.

  • Gain an understanding of the coursework that will maximize a student’s skills and demonstrate the rigorous curriculum universities and scholarship committees seek while highlighting their transcript's best attributes.

  • How to determine the highest-yield-valued extracurricular activities for a student and maximize their choices to demonstrate their skills best to create their brand and express their unique personality.

  • Fully understand how to develop a Passion with a Purpose Project by learning how to define the pathway, goals, and objectives of the project and how it speaks about the student as an individual, as well as its uniqueness compared to the great pool of Ivy League or Top Tier University applicants.

  • Tips and Tricks on how to make a student’s Common Application stand out.

  • Methods to help the student craft a personal statement that reflects their skills and life qualifications for attending a top global University or Liberal Arts College and guiding students in the writing of their Personal Statement for admissions and scholarship.

  • Discover the importance of creating a Unique YOU pathway and why connecting the dots between their activities, awards, scores, grades, and passions is essential.

  • How best to understand the types, tone, and content of recommendation letters that universities value.

  • Strategies to build a school profile that highlights your institution's rigorous curriculum and prestige.

  • Learn what makes a stellar Resume/CV that will help the student to shine.

  • Methods to best utilize each student’s strengths and awards to demonstrate their personality. 

…and more!



Initial Major and CareerMatch

Establishing your Working Group

Conceptualizing their Unique Brand


Developing their Unique YOU Brand

Learn how to demonstrate their skills.

Begin to Investigate Passion with a Purpose Project (PWP)




Creative Growth Mindset



Match to Majors and Universities

Highest Yield Valued extracurricular activities.

Brainstorming a Research Project


Attend Online/IN-Person College Fairs

Investigate College Options

Summer Pre-college scholarships

Explore Leadership Programs

Learn to Utilize Common Data Sets

Establish Contact with Admission Officers

Finalize CV, PwP, and prepare Personal Statement


Final Prep

Common App

Setting up College Interviews

Prioritize applications.

Complete CSS Profile (where appropriate)

Request the Submission of Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation

Apply for Talent Specific and Major Specific Scholarships

Review ED1 application/ #1 Choice School Application

Wait for Acceptances

Weigh your options for admission and scholarships!