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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

UGS is a Self-Guided Process of Growth, Discovery, Independence and Initiative.


- What is the University Global Scholars (UGS) Program purpose and benefits? 

- Does the UGS Program guarantee university admissions with scholarships ?

- Which universities and worldwide regions would UGS students typically seek ?

- What is the suitable age range for the UGS Program ?

- How is the UGS Program different ?

- Why is UGS (University Global Scholars) “Unique You” Core Philosophy on candidate     

  development so important ? How does it impact top universities applications and scholarships ? 

- What is the “Best Fit” University-Scholarship Path ?

- What are some examples of UGS Program benefits for enrolled students?

- What is the UGS Learning Management System (LMS) ? Does the UGS Program have  

  direct engagement, guidance and support ? What is UGS Six Stages Progression ?     

  How does it work ?

- What is UGS package pricing ? 

What is the University Global Scholars (UGS) Program purpose and benefits?

Dreams do not just come true overnight! They take mentorship, training, and acquiring a creative mindset to become a reality. We have developed a stage-based developmental program that will help your child be ready to pursue their education and place them on the path to earning a scholarship at one of the international universities of their dreams.

Does the UGS Program guarantee university admissions with scholarships?

The UGS Program is a guided self-development process over six stages to enhance and improve a student candidate’s chances of successful admissions acceptance into target top universities and also securing financial aid / scholarships. Successful student outcomes depend on the student's preparation, abilities and final presentation for university review.   It is illegal under US laws to mislead and pre-guarantee successful outcomes, as this cannot be guaranteed in the Universities review process.

The UGS Program 

  • Immerses the student in development stages and awareness of universities application and selection criteria

  • Prepares and guides them to be the candidate type such top universities seek

  • Helps awareness how to present the admissions presentation most effectively

  • Improves chances of admission into target universities

  • Improves chances of securing financial aid / university scholarships

Although no one can guarantee your student a scholarship (in fact, this is illegal in many countries, especially the U.S.), completing our stage-based developmental program will significantly enhance your student’s chances for admission and scholarship success!

Which universities and worldwide regions would UGS students typically seek ?

The UGS Program focus is on candidate admission into universities in North America  (USA and Canada) and Western Europe (United Kingdom and European Union). Scholarships focus is on North America as financial aid opportunities are more diversified and abundant (compared to Europe), with very diverse academic institutions. 

UGS focus is on successful university admissions and scholarships. 

What is the suitable age range for the UGS Program ?

  • The UGS Program is designed for students in school years sixth grade onwards to grade eleven. UGS support includes before University US Early Decision application review support in Year 12.

  • UGS Program entry point is anytime over six years span from Grade 6 to Grade 11

  • UGS LMS (Learning Management System) has six progressive LMS modules (sections) 

The earlier part of UGS LMS engagement focus is on creativity, self-development, awareness and early leadership. The second stage of UGS is incrementally content-focused on university admissions and scholarships applications.

  • It is better to start UGS earlier to get maximum benefits in the program duration. However later school grade sign-up still receives the same learning-engagement content. 

UGS Program enrolment can start in School Year Grade Six / Year Six but can be anytime from Year Six until School Year 10 or Year 11.

How is the UGS Program different ?

  • Early Engagement and Directed Self-Development 

      Not End-Stage Packaging Just Before University Applications 

  • Not Non-Corrective (Too Late for Intervention)

      Not Non-Optimized End Stage University Admissions-Scholarships Applications 

The UGS Program focus is on early development and not just late Year 12 end-stage university applications submission. UGS Program is about a cultivated time line progression of candidate self-development over formative years, and building passion projects that highlight the “Unique You” stand-out characteristics of each candidate. This is what top universities select. 

Ineffective and late wrong focus on the final year end high school stage for rushing university admissions applications leads to lesser outcomes. This includes lost scholarship opportunities. At that late end stage, it can only be about best presentation submission, with only what is already on hand, or clearly lacking. UGS emphasis is about early engagement, early timeline development, where student candidate has flexibility and time horizon to proactively shape activities and credentials. This will best enhance university applications to desired admissions acceptance and scholarships outcomes.

Why is UGS (University Global Scholars) “Unique You” Core Philosophy on candidate development so important ? How does it impact top universities applications and scholarships ? 

The UGS Program focus is on student self-growth and development, and finding your passions and “Unique You” true self. Top Universities in selection criteria, and especially for scholarships, look for distinctive characteristics and experiences in their candidates pool. It is not only about having the highest academic grades / achievements. 

Discover the importance of creating a Unique YOU pathway and why connecting the dots between their activities, awards, scores, grades, and passions is essential.

What will stop you from reaching that scholarship or gaining admission to one of your dream schools is a lack of a creative mindset and an inability to effectively create and communicate your Unique YOU Brand to admissions and scholarship reviewers. The University Global Scholars Program will help students grow as thinkers and learn how to package themselves as unique assets for their dream schools. Preparation in the scholarship pathway over multiple years will significantly aid the student’s admission and success.

The global admissions and scholarship process is based on a holistic approach to evaluating candidates. It involves many steps and examines various aspects of the applicant, ranging from grades, achievements, social-economic background, academic course rigor, test scores, creative mindset possession, community service engagement, and the development of a Passion with a Purpose Project.

No single qualification will get a student admitted to a top university. Global universities are seeking candidates with a wide variety of skills and accomplishments. 

UGS students fully understand how to develop a Passion with a Purpose Project by learning how to define the pathway, goals, and objectives of the project and how it speaks about the student as an individual, as well as its uniqueness compared to the great pool of Ivy League or Top Tier University applicants.

What is the “Best Fit” University-Scholarship Path ?

The UGS Program nurtures and supports student self-development, creativity and life passions towards individual achievements and success outcomes. This involves student leadership, greater self-awareness, building opportunities and credentials towards quality university higher education and scholarships. UGS Program will facilitate identifying and entering the “Best Fit” University for individual-specific needs, interests and opportunities. 

UGS Program helps students determine their best-fit Dream School and effectively match their strengths (GPA, Awards, Volunteer Work, Diversity, Test Scores, and financial situation) with specific universities.

What are some examples of UGS Program benefits for enrolled students?

  • Acquiring a creative mindset

  • How to determine the highest-yield-valued extracurricular activities for a student and maximize their choices to demonstrate their skills best to create their brand and express their unique personality.

  • Tips and Tricks on how to make a student’s Common Application stand out.

  • Methods to help the student craft a personal statement that reflects their skills and life qualifications for attending a top global University or Liberal Arts College and guiding students in the writing of their Personal Statement for admissions and scholarship.

  • Methods to best utilize each student’s strengths and awards to demonstrate their personality. ...and more!

What is the UGS Learning Management System (LMS) ? Does the UGS Program have direct engagement, guidance and support ? What is UGS Six Stages Progression ? How does it work ?

What is a learning management system (LMS) ?  A learning management system is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process. It's used for e-learning practices. Typically, an LMS provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. It might also provide students with interactive features, such as threaded discussions, video conferencing and discussion forums.

UGS LMS (Learning Management System) has six progressive LMS modules (sections), all developed to be an entire integrated support-guidance learning journey.  The earlier part of UGS LMS engagement focus is on creativity, self-development, awareness and early leadership. The second stage of UGS is incrementally content-focused on university admissions and scholarships applications.

UGS Program also involves direct student support on both an individual and group basis. Within modules progression, learning assignments are submitted and individually evaluated with improvement feedback. Additionally, there are direct in-person engagements scheduled monthly on online Zoom sessions with Dr. Lee-Ann Laffey for group guidance, relevant topical presentations and discussions. These sessions are also recorded for repeat review or missed student schedules.

Early Decision Applicants, USA Universities : 

  • Apply early (usually in November) to first-choice USA universities.. 

  • Receive an admission decision from the University well in advance of the usual notification date (usually by December). 

  • Agree to attend the college if accepted and offered a financial aid package that is considered adequate by the family.

UGS Program includes a one-time final submission review, with improvement-assessment feedback, of candidate Early Decision Application Submission to top choice USA university. This also serves as good review guidance , applicable to other general subsequent university applications.

What is the UGS Program pricing ? 

Please contact SIMCC / UGS Program for more information by the link below. The contact form details provide us a clearer background of the student candidate for more specific and effective information. 

Get in touch with us today and learn more